welcome to the

This training is for creative, hard working, self motivated, bad ass individuals ready to dive head first into their tattoo career.

Our Mission
Our Mission is to offer ethical, in-depth, and intensive fine line tattooing instruction and to provide a foundation for the aspiring creative individual to further themselves in this new tattoo culture. New Era's goal is to be a source of knowledge and expertise for aspiring artists.

Beginner Fine Line Tattoo Course
at Sistr Studios
in Scottsdale, Arizona
This training is a fast track way to start your career as a self-taught tattoo artist and requires self motivation, patience, determination, and a lot of practice. No tattoo experience is required. In this course, you will learn the foundations of tattooing and will be given the tools to excel on your own time, at your own pace. You will learn basics like: how to use your machine, skin depth, products, sterilization, ethics, and so much more.

Business Noir
at Sistr Studios
in Scottsdale, Arizona
The term "In the black'' refers to the profitability and/or solvency of a business. As an independent artist you are creatively and financially responsible for the success of your business. Your main focus is to nurture your art, our main focus is to make sure your business is protected, established, and stable. So you can get yourself into the black.

One on One Shadowing
1 or 3 day pacakges available
This experience is designed for artists who have already participated in an informative beginner course, whether that is through New Era or a different outsource. This course includes one on one shadowing with Reilee at Vixen Ink and mentoring while tattooing models. If you’re unsure if you’re ready for just a shadowing experience or if you should take the beginner course, contact Reilee at info@vixeninktattoos.com regarding any questions!